
Mon-Sat: 10am to 7pm - Sun: Closed



"Nature has sufficient resources to cater our need but not to fulfil our greed" -----Mahatma Gandhi

Sustainability :

We carefully consider how economically & effectively we can conserve without/ minimum damaging the environment, balancing near-term interests with the protection of future generations. We recognize the inter-dependence of environmental quality, economic growth, social justice & ecological balance.

Conservation :

Planning of conservation of food, clean water, clean air, energy, renewable energy, hygiene-sanitation & Waste management so that future generation also utilize the same as we do. Careful planning of conservation will survive our future generation (Our children & their children).

Restoration :

We work to clean up environment by auditing & educating about a sustainable environment. We actively seek funding for and promote restoration of brownfields within the city & suggest of proper Garbage disposal, provision of clean water & air.

Compliance :

World class standards for all City of India & around the world facilities in accordance to ISO guidelines and operations will meet or exceed standards and regulations for compliance with National environmental and state regulations. Also to motivate for compliance of International Standards through ISO/IEC/ILAC.

Leadership :

We act as Leader to community models and educators in environmental stewardship. We always strive to “do the right thing, at right place & at right time” in environmental matters.

Continuous Improvement :

We, Update ourselves on a regular basis, review our environmental program, identify opportunities for improvement, and implement changes in accordance to World standards, National Standards when necessary.

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